つめ放題に燃える(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




つめ放題に燃える(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



























I’m not the only one who is tempted to do it when I see someone else doing it. For some reason, when I see someone doing it, I just want to do it, and even if I know I can’t go any further, am I the only one who wants to screw it up somehow?


The other day, a friend invited me to an all-you-can-eat Black Thunder stuffing event in Toyohashi, Aichi, the paradise of “Black Thunder.

Black Thunder” is a candy that can be found in supermarkets and convenience stores. In fact, you can enjoy all-you-can-stuffing Black Thunder at a store directly managed by the factory.

Black Thunder” by Yuraku Seika, loved by everyone from children to adults, has been on sale since 1994, and will celebrate its 30th anniversary in 2024. Today, the product is a big hit, selling more than 200 million units annually, but sales were sluggish when it was first launched, and at one point the company was on the verge of discontinuing the product.

Since Black Thunder is made at a factory in Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture, there are manholes in Toyohashi City with a Black Thunder pattern, and the “Black Thunder-go” train, a collaboration with a company, runs in the city. Incidentally, the manhole is located on Hirokoji Street, and hopefully you can take a picture with “Black Thunder-go”.

For those of you who may not know what Black Thunder is, it is a candy consisting of cocoa cookies and plain biscuits coated with chocolate.


It was in 2008 that it became nationally known. Just before the Beijing Olympics, gymnast Kohei Uchimura said in an interview, “My favorite candy is Black Thunder. The following year, sales exceeded 100 million units.


Yuraku Seika Toyohashi Dream Factory directly operated store. Black Thunder fans will love the limited-edition products available for purchase, but the highlight is the “all-you-can-stuff Black Thunder”.If you come to Toyohashi, this is the place to be, folks!


The rules are simple: you have only 10 minutes to fill the bags you are given. You can’t put in too many if they are stacked in the right order. The waiter gave me some tips on how to fill the bags before we started.

Boldly, yet gently, pack the Black Thunder into the bag. Fill the bag vertically so as to fill in the gaps. It is easy to get too excited with a large amount of Black Thunder in front of you and mindlessly put in more and more, but don’t be in a hurry. The trick is to fill the bottom layer, which is the base of the bag, vertically without gaps.

The time limit is 10 minutes, so if you pack carefully, you will run out of time. Note that the special bags are not elastic, so be careful not to stretch them too much or they will tear. Unfortunately, the portion of the bag that is overflowed will be confiscated.


The result was 47 pieces! The price for the all-you-can-stuff is 1,000 yen, and the price of each Black Thunder is 40 yen, so if you stuffed more than 25 pieces, you could get your money’s worth, so we worked pretty hard (laugh).

In addition to the all-you-can-stuff it, we were also greeted by an emergency helmet with the Black Thunder logo, a large panel of past product packages, and the president’s trick art.


See you soon.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN





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