


戦略コンサル織田信長の瀬戸焼販路拡大の手腕がすごい。(愛知県名古屋市姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)




瀬戸焼 豆皿























Hello, this is Staff Y.


The other day, I was watching a program called “History Detective” on HNK. The program featured the excavation of Seishu Castle, which was the residence of Oda Nobunaga, and the story of the battle of Okehazama, which I have mentioned in a previous blog entry.


As you know, the wonderful Cheongju Castle that appeared in a previous blog entry was recently reconstructed. In fact, it seems that excavations are still ongoing in the area where the castle was originally built and its vicinity.

It seems that fragments of Seto ware from that time have been found at the excavation site, and Jiro Sato, an actor from Aichi Prefecture, was holding one of the fragments in his hand in the studio. Although it was a shard, it was glazed beautifully and was solid, showing no signs of deterioration. Seto ware” was successfully branded as a local product in Owari by Nobunaga Nobunaga, and of course it was used in Cheongju, the place of origin of Seto ware.


A brand product? Seto ware has been produced in this area since the Jomon period, but it was not a brand-name product.

After firing at around 1,200 to 1,300 degrees Celsius, glaze was applied to the highly water-absorbent base, which was a revolutionary process that was not practiced anywhere else at the time. It seems to have been a revolutionary manufacturing method that was not practiced anywhere else at the time. This water-resistant property quickly made Seto ware the top product in the industry.


At the same time, trade between Japan and the Sung dynasty was flourishing at that time. The demand for Seto ware was so great that pottery from the continent was coming into Japan, and Seto ware was born with various innovations, probably because the Japanese were determined not to lose out to the superior products from China and Korea.


In the middle of Tensho 2, Nobunaga granted Seto the privilege to produce pottery under the protection policy (like applying for a registered trademark or patent? In the middle of Tenjo 2, Nobunaga embarked on a policy of protection (like applying for a registered trademark or a patent?) The term “Setomono” (Seto’s pottery) was also established at this time. The tea ceremony, which began to be popular around the same time, also had an effect, and from this time on, Setomono started to have various characteristics and became a brand-name product. Nobunaga’s “make,” “use,” “add value,” “want,” and “make money” all became a brand of Setomono that everyone knows and everyone wants.

At any rate, it is an interesting story that Yoshikage Asakura, who was an enemy of Nobunaga Oda and an ally of Nagamasa Asai who had been tormenting him for three and a half years, bought these branded products (Seto ware, Mino ware and Tokoname ware) even though the local Echizen ware was three times more in quantity than that excavated. And, whether in an enemy country or not, a portion of the profits from the sale of the goods was paid as tax from the merchants to the pocket of the Oda family, so Nobunaga’s business card might also have the title of “Strategic Consultant” next to that of “Warlord.


Anyway, the name and brand of “Setomono” remain firmly in place today, so we can all agree that Nobunaga’s long-term strategy was a great success.


I wonder what kind of face Yoshikage Asakura would have had when he got a Setomono teacup in his hand.


Good day to you all.















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