春眠暁を覚えず・・・体内時計も調整中です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
Today was a cold windy day, but I could feel spring in the sunshine and saw new buds blowing on trees when I walked around.
The harsh cold of winter is coming to an end, and this should be a season that lifts our spirits, but for some reason my head is still a little fuzzy and I sometimes feel sleepy during the daytime.
As the famous Chinese poem “Spring sleep does not wake you up…” says, many people do not feel like they had a good night’s sleep and do not feel refreshed when they wake up. This physical discomfort felt from early spring to early summer is also known as “tree bud time sickness” or “yang qi illness.
Factors that contribute to this include autonomic nervous system disorders caused by changes in lifestyle such as seasonal transfers and graduations, hay fever, and changes in temperature and air pressure.
The autonomic nervous system controls the body unconsciously, including blood pressure, temperature control, and respiration, and has two types of nerves: sympathetic nerves that work when we are active and parasympathetic nerves that work when we are relaxed. Although we often hear this terminology, we are rarely aware of which of these nerves is currently active, and we are skeptical that it is possible to consciously adjust the balance between these two nerves.
People who are highly sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure, which disturbs the autonomic nervous system, have sensors in the inner ear, and those who are highly sensitive to these sensors react excessively to changes in atmospheric pressure, causing dizziness and migraine headaches when the sympathetic nervous system becomes too dominant, and symptoms such as sleepiness and lethargy when the parasympathetic nervous system becomes too dominant.
Temperature is sensed by sensors in the skin, brain, spinal cord, and internal organs, which are sensitive to temperature changes. So we have sensors working all over our bodies. We feel tired and want to work on ourselves.
Another cause of lethargy and drowsiness that is being studied is a disruption in the “body clock. It is a clock gene that controls the daily rhythm of feeling sleepy late at night and waking up in the morning. The cycle of the human body clock is slightly longer than 24 hours, with the average value for the Japanese being 24 hours and 10 minutes, and this misalignment is corrected and reset on a daily basis. It also has to adjust to seasonal changes in daylight hours, which is also the cause of seasonal discomfort.
People with long body clock cycles tend to be nocturnal, while those with cycles shorter than 24 hours are extreme morning people. I feel that in today’s society, it is easier to live as a morning person. I am probably a night person.
The central clock is located in the center of the brain and is reset by light entering through the eyes. On the other hand, the peripheral clock is located in the internal organs such as the liver and kidneys, as well as in the muscles, and controls the rhythm of hormone secretion, which is reset by breakfast and exercise. If the central clock is “universal time,” the peripheral clock is “local time” and functions separately.
Ideally, these two clocks should run in synchronization, which requires waking up in the morning to get light to reset the central clock and having breakfast to reset the peripheral clock. If either of these clocks is reset too late, the body will be in a state of jet lag. We usually do this without thinking, but this ordinary thing may be more important than we imagine in order to stay energetic and active.
Not only humans, but many other living organisms seem to be controlled not only by the circadian clock, which controls the rhythm of the day, but also by the conceptual clock, which ticks the rhythm of the year.
Some studies have shown that disruption of the biological clock increases the risk of obesity, diabetes, allergic diseases, and cancer, and also affects cognitive function.
I believe that daytime sleepiness is an SOS from my body, and I have promised myself to try to lead a regular life.
See you next time. (Staff H)
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