色あせることのないゴールドの輝き(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
The other day, I looked in a jewelry store for the first time in a long time and saw gold jewelry at a ridiculous price. A long time ago, I used to buy gold jewelry as a reward with my salary, but the price was not so high that I was willing to buy it! I had been buying gold jewelry as a reward for my family, but it was not so expensive that I was willing to buy it.
I was not aware that the price of gold was soaring, but I was not interested in gold jewelry because I had not studied it enough. I have a highly sensitive acquaintance who has been buying gold frequently for more than ten years, and I have wondered why. I have always wondered why, but I guess he has a talent for investment, which I have heard a lot about recently.
Gold is said to occupy a position second only to the dollar in the foreign currency reserves (assets denominated in foreign currencies) of central banks around the world, and is also known as a “stateless currency” or a “universal currency.
The reasons for the rise in the gold market have been cited as the terrorist attacks in 2001, the Lehman shock in 2008, the new coronavirus outbreak in 2020, and the contingencies that have been going on for the past several years. When society becomes unstable and the economic outlook is uncertain, stocks fall and the purchase of gold, which is considered a safe asset, increases, and the gold market rises. This is not a very good thing for the world situation.
Gold, which does not oxidize or corrode and continues to shine, has long been prized, and in Japan it has been lavishly used in buildings, shrines, and temples. As it was once called “Zipangu, the Land of Gold,” Japan was a mass-producing country of abundant and high-quality gold. Its peak period was from the 8th to 15th centuries, when it accounted for about 10% of the world’s gold production. Today, we thought that gold had been mined out of Japan, but a gold mine was discovered in the 1980s between Kumamoto and Kagoshima prefectures and is still being mined today.
The total amount of gold that has been mined by humans so far is estimated to be about 180,000 tons, which is equivalent to about 3.8 cups of a competition swimming pool. The amount of gold remaining in the ground is thought to be about 50,000 tons, which is equivalent to about one swimming pool. At this rate, the gold reserves will be depleted in a decade or so, but this is the amount that can be dug out with current technology, and it is not the only actual resource.
There is also a small amount of gold in seawater, and there are incredible stories that if technology to extract gold from seawater is developed, about 5 billion tons of gold could be extracted from the earth’s oceans.
Even more surprising, NASA is embarking on a search for Psyche, an asteroid between Mars and Jupiter, in 2023. This asteroid is known to be made of gold, platinum, nickel, and other metals and will be investigated.
It seems that man’s desire for gold is still endless.
By the way, Nana, a well-known celebrity in Nagoya, was once dressed in gold all over her body.
Back to the subject, the existence of an asteroid made almost entirely of metal made me wonder where gold came from in the first place, so I did some research.
First of all, a star with a mass several dozen times that of the sun reaches the end of its life and explodes, leaving behind an extremely dense neutron star. The two neutron stars gravitationally attract each other and merge, causing another massive explosion that releases an enormous amount of energy, producing heavy elements like gold through nuclear fusion. The frequency of this phenomenon, however, is extremely rare, occurring only about 10 times in our galaxy so far.
It is thought that the gold produced by neutron star mergers is ejected into space and repeatedly merges with other materials to form planets like the Earth, and then falls to the atomic Earth as a meteorite.
It is a tremendous sense of time to think that gold born in the far reaches of the universe has found its way to human hands, has been beautifully processed, and is used in high-tech to support our daily lives.
Above all, I am amazed at the wisdom of human beings who are able to identify such rare astronomical phenomena through research.
I was unexpectedly invited into a magnificent world, and I am a little hazy.
See you next time. (Staff H)
骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】
10:00-18:00 OPEN