梅は咲いたか、桜はまだかいな(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




梅は咲いたか、桜はまだかいな(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


















「難波津(なにはづ)に 咲くやこの花 冬ごもり 今は春べと 咲くやこの花」

(難波津に 咲いたよこの花が。冬の間は籠っていて 今はもう春になったので 咲いたよこの花が)


この歌は、仁徳天皇(在位313~399)が皇位につかれた事を喜んで、渡来した百済(くだら)の王仁(わに)博士が、 梅花にこの和歌を添えて奉ったと伝えられているそうです。添えられた古注では、編者の紀貫之が「梅の花を言ふなるべし」と注釈しているところから、当時から大切な慶びごとを梅の開花になぞらえて愛でるほどのお花であったことがおわかりいただけます。
















While many people in the area may not be able to do so due to the daily cold wave, I heard the news that the ume (plum) blossoms have begun to bloom here in Aichi Prefecture.


Really? I went to Shiogama Shrine in Tenpaku Ward, which is my personal benchmark for plum blossoms, to do a little reconnaissance. I had assumed that this year’s blooming must be late, but as you can see, it has started.


Under the clear blue winter sky, the flowers were already in full bloom.


The perfect sunny weather must have been perfect for the day, as families visiting the shrine one after another came to the shrine. Shiogama Shrine is known as the god of safe delivery, and many people visit here every day to visit the shrine and pray for safe delivery. It was a morning that made me think, “Is this a paradise?


There is a very beautiful poem about plum blossoms in the “Preface to the Kana-suzu (Preface to the Anthology of Ancient and Modern Japanese Poetry)”.


In the poem, a beautiful flower blooms in Naniwazu, “Winter is over, now it is spring.

(In Naniwazu, this flower has bloomed. (In Naniwazu, this flower bloomed because it was holed up for the winter and now it is spring.)


This poem is said to have been dedicated to Emperor Nintoku (reigned 313-399) by Dr. Wani of Baekje, who came to Japan to rejoice in his ascension to the throne, and to have accompanied the plum blossoms with this waka poem. In the accompanying ancient commentary, the compiler Ki no Kannushi annotates the poem with the words, “Plum blossoms must be said to be in bloom,” indicating that the flower was so beloved at that time that the accession of the emperor was compared to the blooming of the plum tree.


Nevertheless, today’s “Sakuya konohana” at Shiogama Shrine is also wonderful.


On the way down the stairs, there is a small shrine called “Hakuryu Shrine” that you might pass by without noticing it. This shrine has a rare ceramic guardian dog, and I thought to myself, “What a cute little dog…” as I peeked around. As I was peering at them, I saw a madam with a real big dog behind her. It seemed to be a big golden retriever, so big that even madam might have been able to pull on the lead with all her might. However, when she noticed him, she was so surprised to see him rubbing up against a stranger (herself) and spoiling her. He is so cute.


We dropped by Shiogama Shrine on a whim to see if the plum blossoms were in bloom… but the plum blossoms that brought us so many happy items were in full bloom this year, too. That’s all for now.


Have a good day. (Staff Y)













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN







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