ひな人形は雨水の季節に飾る?(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
ふと愛媛の「ポンジュース」のポンはポンカンからきているのかと思い調べてみましたら、なんと「日本一(にっぽんいち)」の「ぽん」からきているとのこと。当時の愛媛県知事だった久松 定武氏が名付け親だそうです。
As I mentioned earlier, this year we entered the “rainy water” season of the 24 solar terms on February 18. It is said to be a good time to start preparing for agriculture, and since the middle of the Edo period (1603-1867), it has been a popular custom among commoners to visit the Ise Shrine during “Amamizu”.
It was also around the time of the Hina Festival, which celebrated the healthy growth of girls, and it is said that “if you display hina dolls in Amamizu, you will be blessed with a good marriage”. Originally, hina dolls were used to transfer the bad luck that befell them to the dolls, who would then take the place of the dolls and be washed down the river. Therefore, it was thought to be a good time to display dolls during the rainy season when water was abundant.
I didn’t know such a legend existed, but I have been late in decorating dolls every year, so this year, I decorated them right after the first day of spring. I guess it’s just a matter of feelings, but I decided to decorate them after the rainy season next year. Unless I forget….
Foods that are in season at this time of year are said to be rich in nutrients, and clams are said to be delicious as they store plenty of nutrients in preparation for spawning. The two shells overlap perfectly, symbolizing marital bliss, and soup is an indispensable part of the Hinamatsuri celebration.
In addition to other fish such as yellowtail and Spanish mackerel, I feel that daikon radish and Chinese cabbage also add sweetness to the dish. Personally, I feel that broccoli at this time of year is sweet to the core and delicious! I feel that broccoli is sweet to the core this time of year!
I also need to take vitamin C to stay in good health, but the price of oranges, which I used to buy in large quantities every year, is so high this year that I can’t afford them. I looked beside the store and saw “ponkan” oranges from Shizuoka Prefecture on sale, which made me nostalgic, so I bought some for the first time in a while. My family liked it because it was sweet like an orange and had a refreshing taste with little acidity.
Ponkan” sounded cute, so I looked it up and found that it was a citrus fruit that originated in India. It is believed to have been introduced to Kagoshima in 1896 via China and Taiwan.
The “Pon” in “Ponkan” comes from “Poona,” the name of a place in western India, and “Kan” is said to be named after the citrus fruit “Kan. The variety has been further improved in Japan and many varieties have been created, including the Ota Ponkan, Imazu Ponkan, and Yoshida Ponkan.
I have always been a fan of Onshu Mikan, so I wanted to try a variety of citrus fruits.
I wondered if the “Pon” in Ehime’s “Pon Juice” came from “Ponkan,” but to my surprise, I found out that it came from “Pon,” which means “Japan’s best. Sadatake Hisamatsu, then governor of Ehime Prefecture, is said to be the godfather of the name.
The advertising poster reads, “Pon juice born in Japan and shining in the world,” expressing the hope that it will become the best juice in Japan. It must be common knowledge to people in Ehime Prefecture.
I realize how many things we pass over unnoticed.
See you next time. (Staff H)
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