自分のための終活って何でしょう…(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




自分のための終活って何でしょう…(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


















『75歳の主人公英太は、終活に熱心な妻礼子から終活をするようにうるさく言われるが、「生きているうちに死の準備はしない」と終活を嫌がっていた。 そんな英太が、ある出来事をきっかけに終活を始めることに。それは家族や他人のためではなく、自分の人生にケリをつけること。そして、その終活の影響が思わぬ出来事を呼び、あらぬ方向にいく…。』











と、まあ、今回このお話を読んで、いざという時のためという気持ちだけでなく、今から準備し始めたら楽しい終活になるかもしれないと思うと同時に、 思わず自分の生き方を見つめ直すといった壮大なきっかけにもなった気がします(笑)





Hello everyone. This is Staff T.

Thank you for coming to our appraisal yesterday.


The three-day weekend is a great opportunity to clean out your house, but it is difficult to do so on a large scale when it is so hot. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why we have seen an increase in the number of customers bringing in a few items recently. We often hear tips such as “start with a small space” or “do one area a day in 10 minutes” as tips for tidying up. The secret to long-lasting tidying up may be to do it a little bit at a time. However, it is natural that as we get older, we become physically demanding. In such cases, please take it easy and proceed at your own pace. At Fukosha, we not only purchase items on business trips, but we also offer services for clearing out belongings and whole houses, so please feel free to contact us for more information.


Now, what do you think of when you hear the phrase “100-year life period,” which you often see these days?

Since we live in an aging society, “100 years of life” is becoming the norm. In the news the other day on Respect-for-Senior-Citizens Day, it was said that the elderly population is over 30 million. It is difficult to draw a line as to where one is considered elderly, but over the past few decades, the keywords “lifetime activities,” “ending notes,” and “decluttering” have spread rapidly, and we have seen many special features on these topics.

What they all seem to have in common is the idea that “end-of-life” is not a backward-looking thing.


The other day, I wondered what “end-of-life” life for me means. I picked up a copy of Makiko Uchidate’s “Unsolicited End-of-Life Activities.

It is the fifth “novel for the elderly” following “The End of Life,” “I’ll Die Soon,” “When I’m Born Again,” and “The Old Man’s Man.

I’ll give you a synopsis of the story without spoiling anything,


The main character, Eita, is 75 years old, and his wife Reiko, who is enthusiastic about his life, has been nagging him to do his final activities, but he has been reluctant to do so, saying, “I will not prepare for death while I am still alive. However, one event triggered Eita to start his life-ending activities. It is not for his family or others, but to put an end to his own life. And the effects of his life-ending activities lead to unexpected events that take him in an unforeseen direction…” The film is a comical story.


It is a comical but realistic story about elderly people, which even I, not being 75 years old, can feel the reality. Although the end-of-life activities vary from person to person, the so-called “late elderly” who appear in this work are all very healthy people. Each of them has started a different kind of end-of-life activity, and they are all very energetic and lively.


Whether it is end-of-life activities or decluttering, when people say things like “everyone is doing it,” “the people left behind will have a hard time if you don’t do it,” or “it’s good for you,” it may sound like a suggestion, but I can’t help but feel that it is a bit of an imposition.

I feel that most end-of-life activities are focused on other people, such as “not causing trouble for others” or “not causing trouble for the family,” which of course is also very important. Of course, I think that is also very important, but I would also like to value “for myself” in that context.



It may be a moderate way to grow old, not buying things, decluttering and downsizing.

However, I also feel that it is meaningless to worry too much or prepare too much. It is also boring to give up something you want or hold back from something you want to do because you are going to die soon anyway. It is not exciting to prepare for a future in which we do not know when it will happen.


If at all possible, the rest of the things should be taken care of by those who are left behind. I would like to say, “I’m sorry,” but is that too much to ask? I’ll give them a treat when they come to heaven.

Well, after reading this story, I think that it might be a fun end-of-life activity if we start preparing now, not only for emergencies, but at the same time, I feel that it gave me a grand opportunity to rethink my way of life without thinking (laugh).



See you soon.

















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