その魅力は奥深い・・・(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




その魅力は奥深い・・・(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)




























Hello everyone. This is Staff T.

The flowers of the Japanese snowflake are peeking out in the store. It is as hot as midsummer outside, but thanks to the flowers, I can feel the autumn in my heart.

Autumn is a somewhat dreary time of year, but there was some sad news in the sports news as well. Former ozeki, Takaketsugu, has decided to retire. He is only 28 years and 1 month old. Even though he still feels that he has a long way to go, he was unable to overcome his injuries.

He had been suffering from neck pain in recent years, in addition to a right knee injury sustained in the summer of 2019, when he was a new ozeki. His brilliance will never fade.


Sumo is said to be Japan’s national sport with a history of 1,500 years. The image of a large, oversized sumo wrestler standing in the ring with a topknot in a mawashi (a ceremonial kimono) is famous throughout the world. Although sumo is a traditional sport, it is full of charms that are not well known.

Sumo wrestling has a long history in Japan, and is even mentioned in such old documents as the Chronicles of Japan and the Kojiki, which contain references to Japanese mythology. It is estimated that sumo was already in existence around the 4th century, as dolls resembling sumo wrestlers have been excavated from ancient burial mounds.

A sporting match held in front of the emperor is called a “Tenran-game,” and it is said that the first “Tenran-game” of sumo was held 2,000 years ago, well before the 4th century. In the mythological Tenran match, two sumo wrestlers, Nominosukune from Izumo and Taima-no-Kehaya from Yamato, were said to have fought each other in a duel with kicks and punches.


Sumo began as a Shinto ritual about 1,500 years ago, but by the Edo period (1603-1867), it had become a popular pastime for the common people, and eventually evolved into a professional league called “Ozumo” that continues to this day.

Sumo has a long and unique history, of course, but everything about it is unique, from the rules and techniques to the way it is dressed and conducted. The symbol of “Ozumo” is the appearance of sumo wrestlers. The average height of a sumo wrestler is 183.3 cm, and the average weight is 160.5 kg! I have not yet had the opportunity to watch a sumo match, but I imagine that it must be very powerful and overwhelming to watch these huge wrestlers clash violently with each other in the ring.

Speaking of traditional sumo, I loved the gesture of the rikishi sprinkling salt to purify the ring. When I was a child, Mito Izumi used to sprinkle salt with such gusto that it brought the whole hall to a boil.

In the old days, sumo was a Shinto ritual to pray for a good harvest, and the sumo ring was considered a sacred place where salt was sprinkled as “purifying salt” to ward off evil spirits before each bout. The salt was sprinkled on the ring before each bout as “purifying salt” to ward off evil spirits, a tradition that is still carried on today.

About 520 kg of salt is sprinkled in one place (15 days). Simple calculation shows that about 35 kg of salt is sprinkled per day, or about 500 g per rikishi.

Hakko-no-shio” salt is different from other types of salt in that it is very light and easy to spread on the palm of one’s hand. The grains are large, so they look good dancing in the ring, he said. The salt used to purify the Ryogoku Kokugikan is actually Hakko-no-Salt. When I think about it, I feel a sense of familiarity with sumo.


Such sumo wrestling is not so popular nowadays. Although I don’t watch sumo so much anymore, I was familiar with it since I was a child, as there was a Nagoya Grand Sumo Tournament dormitory near my parents’ house. I don’t remember, but I heard that a long time ago, I was hugged by a sumo wrestler.

It is said that if a baby is carried by a strong sumo wrestler, it will grow up to be strong and healthy.


See you later.
















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