古美術を深堀る【七宝焼】(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




古美術を深堀る【七宝焼】(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)




















古くは仏教の経典に登場する七種ななくさの宝 に由来し、金、銀、瑪瑙めのう(美しい模様を持つ鉱石)、珊瑚さんご瑠璃るり(青い宝石)、玻璃はり(水晶)、硨磲しゃこ(シャコガイの殻)の七つの宝物を表し、この七つの宝物と同じくらいの美しさを持つ焼き物ということで、七宝焼という呼称が定着しました。





有名なところで古代エジプトでは、ツタンカーメンの黄金のマスクの冠部分 に七宝焼きの技法が用いられていたといわれていますが、現代では壺をはじめブローチやペンダント、ピアス、イヤリングなどのアクセサリーもあり、その歴史や用途が幅広い。








まさにホーローそのものを表していますが、1450年代以降の中国で作られた七宝焼は景泰藍けいたいらん といわれ、中国工芸として特に高く評価され、西洋でも七宝焼は紀元前から存在していることがわかっております。そこから中国や日本同様に発展してきました。




















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


The rainy season has started here in Nagoya, and with the humidity here, we have finally started to live with air conditioners. Once I turn on the air conditioner, I can no longer live without it. As soon as I turn it off, I feel “uncomfortable”. I wondered if I should have held out a little longer…. I was a little worried, but now that I have turned it on, there is no turning back. I will turn it on without hesitation.


Putting such trivial talk about myself aside, I have recently started a series of articles on antiques, and from today, I would like to delve deeper into cloisonne enamel ware, which we have several of here at the store and which I also personally love.

Please bear with me.



What is cloisonne enamel ware?

Cloisonne enamel ware is a worldwide traditional craft that originated in ancient Egypt in B.C., and it is believed that modern techniques were introduced to Japan around the Nara period (710-794). It is made of gold, silver, copper, iron, and other metals, coated with glaze, and fired at 750 to 950℃.


Enameled kitchen vats, pots, bats, and other cooking utensils and tableware are also used for signboards, road signs, etc. In fact, they are also used for signboards and road signs, etc.


2. What is cloisonne enamel ware?

The meaning of the word “cloisonne” in cloisonne enamel ware is thought to have changed over time since cloisonne enamel ware was introduced to Japan.

The term “cloisonne” is derived from the seven treasures of the seven treasures mentioned in Buddhist scriptures and represents the seven treasures of gold, silver, agate (ore with beautiful patterns), coral, lapis lazuli (blue gemstone), boli hari (crystal), and giant clam shell (shell of the giant clam), and refers to pottery that is as beautiful as these seven treasures, The name “cloisonne enamel ware” has taken root because the pottery is as beautiful as these seven treasures.


3. the charm of cloisonne enamel ware

The charm of cloisonne enamel ware lies in its vivid patterns and the shimmering texture created by firing the glaze.


Famously, the cloisonne enamel ware technique was used in ancient Egypt for the crown of Tutankhamen’s golden mask. Today, cloisonne enamel ware has a wide range of history and uses, including vases, brooches, pendants, earrings, and other accessories.


Another characteristic of cloisonne enamel ware is that its surface is covered with what is called enamel, a glassy substance, which makes it easy to preserve. Unglazed pottery and ironware have preservation problems such as surface scratches and mold growth, but cloisonne enamel ware is resistant to these problems and the texture will always Cloisonne ware, however, is resistant to such problems and has a stable texture that does not change over time.


However, since cloisonne enamel ware is made of glass, it is important to be careful of cracks caused by shocks.


History of Cloisonne ware

As mentioned earlier, cloisonne enamel ware is said to have originated in ancient Egypt in B.C., and the manufacturing technique was born in the Middle East. Later, the technique was introduced to China via the Silk Road, and in China, cloisonne enamel ware is written as “enamel” and read as “farang. It seems that “enamel” came from here.


Cloisonne enamel ware made in China after the 1450s is called “Jing Tai Lan” and is highly regarded as a Chinese craft, and it is known that cloisonne enamel ware has existed in the West since BC. Cloisonne enamel ware has developed from there as well as in China and Japan.


It is interesting to note that although the names of the Western, Chinese, and Japanese techniques differ, the same techniques have been handed down from one generation to the next.


History of Cloisonne ware in Japan

Cloisonne enamel ware in Japan has a gilt-bronze saddle clasps as a secondary burial object excavated from the Fujinoki Tumulus in Ikaruga-cho, Ikoma-gun, Nara Prefecture, which appears to date from the Kofun period, indicating that primitive cloisonne enamel ware was made even before the technique was introduced to Japan. It seems that the time of its introduction to Japan is older than we had imagined.

However, it was surprisingly in modern times that the technique of cloisonne enamel ware in Japan was refined. In 1833, Tsunekichi Kaji, a potter in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, discovered the cloisonne enamel ware technique, and it is said that the technique spread rapidly mainly in Aichi Prefecture.


Furthermore, Japanese cloisonne enamel ware first became known to the world in 1867 when it was exhibited at the World Exposition in Paris, and many Japanese artists received awards, bringing Japanese cloisonne enamel ware to the attention of the world.


In 1995, Owari cloisonne enamel ware was designated as a traditional Japanese craft by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and in 2002, Tokyo cloisonne enamel ware was selected as one of the 41 traditional crafts in Tokyo designated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.



Today, I have briefly described the history of cloisonne enamel ware.

Next time, I would like to go deeper into the techniques of cloisonne enamel ware.


Good bye.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


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