紫陽花の原種はこちらだったのですね(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




紫陽花の原種はこちらだったのですね(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


























漢字の「紫陽花」は平安時代中期の歌人であり学者でもあった源順(みなもとの したごう)という人物が中国の白楽天の詩に登場する「紫陽花」の花の特徴から、ガクアジサイを同じ花だと勘違いし、この漢字を当てたといわれています。あじさいは日本原産ですので中国の紫陽花とは同じ花ではないとされていますが、現代までこの漢字は受け継がれ、紫陽花という文字を見ると日本の梅雨の時期のしっとりとした情景が思い浮かびます。











Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

When I was walking this morning, I found a park with various kinds of hydrangeas in bloom. My image of hydrangea is a rounded bouquet, but sometimes I see hydrangeas with flowers only around them. (What I thought were flowers were not actually flowers…).


I found out that this type of hydrangea is the original variety and is called “Gaku hydrangea” and the round bouquet type is the bred variety.

Hydrangea is a generic name for horticultural products derived from the Gaku hydrangea, a deciduous shrub native to Japan, which was introduced to the West in the 18th century and came to be prized as “the rose of the East.

There are said to be as many as 2,000 or 3,000 varieties of hydrangea, and the number of varieties is not known for sure, as countless new varieties appear every year.

However, if the original species is the Gaku hydrangea, which was a plant indigenous to Japan, I feel proud of it.

I mentioned earlier that what looks like a flower is not a flower, but what looks like four petals surrounding a gaku hydrangea is not a flower but a “gaku” (stem), which is called an “ornamental flower. The “kaku” is the outer leaf of the petal, which is usually the same green color as the leaf, but the hydrangea is colorful like the flower.

Each of the multiple small grain-like things in the center is a flower. If you look closely, you can see that the center of the blue hydrangea is still a bud, while the center flower of the purple hydrangea appears to be blooming. The light blue gaku hydrangea’s “buds” are double-layered, and they already look like flowers to me!

The bouquet-like hydrangea also has what looks like four petals, but is actually a “bud” with one tiny little flower in the center. It is too modest a flower.


I have researched the origin of the word “hydrangea” and found that “aji” is derived from “azu,” meaning a gathering of small things, and “sai” means indigo. I found out that “sai” is derived from “saai” meaning indigo color.

The Chinese character for “hydrangea” is said to have been applied by a mid-Heian period poet and scholar named Minamoto no Shitagoh, who mistakenly thought that the Chinese character for “hydrangea” in a poem by the Chinese poet Hakurakuten was the same flower as the Chinese character for “gaku hydrangea” based on the characteristics of the flower. Since hydrangea is native to Japan, it is said that it is not the same flower as the Chinese hydrangea, but the Chinese character for hydrangea has been handed down to the present day, and the word “hydrangea” brings to mind the moist scene of the rainy season in Japan.


I remember a time when hydrangeas were hung upside down in the bathroom at my parents’ house.

It seems that people in the old days used hydrangeas to ward off evil spirits as they were believed to possess spiritual power, and they would tie them with red and white mizuhiki and hang them from the eaves of the roof or the front door. I wondered why they hung them in toilets and found out that there is a legend that hanging them in toilets prevents women’s diseases. This morning, I saw many hydrangeas blooming in my yard. Perhaps they are meant to protect the house.

It is said that the color of hydrangea flowers changes depending on the acidity of the soil, with blue flowers blooming when the soil is acidic and pink flowers blooming when the soil is alkaline. In Japan, where the soil is mildly acidic, blue hydrangeas can be seen in abundance, and in a park I found this morning, light blue and purple hydrangeas were in bloom. The sun was strong today and I was feeling a bit tired, but the cool colored hydrangeas made me forget the heat for a moment and cheered me up.


I will see you next time.














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