シルバーのジュエリーが似合う季節です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




シルバーのジュエリーが似合う季節です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

When I see dogwood blossoms, I remember the time when I started working at Fuhkosha exactly one year ago. I am still going off on tangents as I write this blog.


I have been curious about this silver case for a long time. It was presented to Mr. Taizo Ishizaka, a Japanese businessman, by the Minister of Foreign Affairs before the war. I have been looking at it with great interest because I can hold it in my hand, although it had been placed somewhere in the world far away from me.


It must have shone brightly in the past, but it has acquired an austere taste over the years.

Silver has a long history, dating back to around 3000 BC, and gold and silver jewelry has been excavated from tombs and other burial sites. In ancient times, silver was thought to be rarer than gold. This is believed to be because gold is found in the form of “natural gold,” while silver is more often found as “ore” than as natural silver, making it more difficult to extract. It is said that silver was 2.5 times more valuable than gold, and in medieval Europe, silver was sometimes plated over gold. It is hard to imagine nowadays. However, after the development of silver refining technology, silver production increased dramatically and the value of gold and silver reversed.


The Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine in Japan was discovered during the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, and it is said that it was developed as a silver mine in 1526. Production increased with the introduction of the haifuki method from the Korean Peninsula, and blossomed during the Azuchi-Momoyama period (1573-1600), and was directly controlled by the shogunate during the Edo period (1603-1867). At this time, one-third of the world’s silver was produced in Japan. Marco Polo famously wrote that Japan was “Zipangu, the land of gold” in his travelogue “The Book of Marco Polo,” but silver was also abundant in Japan.


Many people will probably be wearing cool silver jewelry in the coming summer months. I also feel like I unconsciously pick up silver when it gets hotter. It seems that silver products and silver jewelry are made of 95% or 92.5% pure silver. Although 100% purity seems to be better, it tarnishes easily and is too flexible to be deformed. Therefore, silver was mixed with copper and other metals to make it easier to handle and to make a variety of products.


In the 17th century, silver products became popular in Europe, and silver tableware was used by the upper classes for meals. Research shows that in France, people ate with their hands until the custom of using cutlery was introduced in the 16th century. Hand-held? Were there no hot dishes or soups? I was a little curious and looked up the culture of chopsticks in Japan. It is said that the culture of chopsticks was introduced from China around the Asuka period. Chopsticks are a simple and rational tool that allows you to eat with only two thin sticks.

This is a digression, but it is said that the reason why European royalty and wealthy people used silver tableware was because silver easily undergoes chemical changes and it is easy to detect when food has been poisoned. Even in China, emperors used to eat with “silver chopsticks. It is a bit of a dangerous story, but it is a fact that people in high positions always have to worry about such things while using beautiful and shining silverware.

As a person who can enjoy a meal in good humor, I feel sorry for them.


I will see you next time.

















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