城山八幡宮の大茅輪くぐり(愛知県名古屋市千種区 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




城山八幡宮の大茅輪くぐり(愛知県名古屋市千種区 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)











































城山八幡宮 大茅輪くぐり
日時:7月15日㈯~17日㈪ 9:30~21:00
交通手段:地下鉄東山線 本山駅、覚王山駅




Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

Before I know it, half of July has passed.
It’s not that I’ve been spending the month in a daze, but it seems like every year I feel as restless as I do before New Year’s, and time seems to pass a little bit faster during this time of year as we head into the summer season. But I don’t dislike this time of year, perhaps it is because I can suppress my feelings of being a little distracted by various things, and there is a sense of momentum in the air as we move toward summer and its transition.

I notice the sound of cicadas chirping in the morning, I laugh at the subtle distance between the blackened junior high school boys and their mothers as they walk home together after the end-of-term parent-teacher conference, I realize that every year I look for my summer bag, and I enjoy finding the change in the seasons. I have noticed this much recently.

However, as I was commuting to work this morning, I noticed the banner of the “Great Chigurin Festival” at Shiroyama Hachimangu Shrine in my neighborhood, as I was thinking about the many guerrilla downpours that have been occurring in various places this summer, and how heartbreaking the news of such disasters is.

I found another important seasonal change here, and it looks like it will start again this year.
The thatch-ringing ritual is a summer ritual held here at Shiroyama Hachimangu Shrine every year.

The thatched-rope ritual is held not only at this shrine but also at other shrines in summer, and I always have to go through it as if I am being pulled in! I always go through it with great vigor, but the other day I did it, lol. I realized that I went in the wrong direction and had to go through the shrine again with a wry smile on my face, wondering if the blessing would be less than half. I must be the only one who does such embarrassing things.

The thatched-rope ritual, also called “ring-kuguri” or “thatch-rope-kuguri,” is a summer ritual to pray for good health and long life, to get rid of various misfortunes, to get rid of epidemics, and to be protected by the work of thatch, according to the legend of Susanowo-no-mikoto. I did not know the details, but it is also called “Kan-nuki,” and purification of “ashi” is a kind of “kanten,” which means to change “ashi” to “good” and invite “good things,” and “thatch” is a general term for ashi, tube, awn, etc. According to the legend, the gods are said to be the ancestors of the gods.

According to the legend, during the Kami period, the god Muto (Susanowo-no-mikoto) asked the two brothers, Somin-mushorai and Giantan-mushorai, to lodge with him on his journey. If you put a ring of thatch around your waist, you will be able to prevent a plague from spreading. The origin of the thatched-rope ritual and the purification of ashes is said to be the fact that the villagers escaped the plague thanks to the thatched-rope.

Each person is supposed to take one of these purifying ashes with him or her, and go through the purification procession while purifying himself or herself with the purifying ashi, and both the purifying ashi and the purifying stick are enshrined in the house until around the time of the first winter.

In addition to the “Oo Kayawa Ritual,” Shiroyama Hachimangu Shrine holds a three-day summer night festival that includes the “Akamaru Ritual” to seal away insects from children, the “Exorcism Bell” to ward off bad luck and protect people from misfortune, and the “Offering Lantern Event” to dedicate lanterns.
The festival is a place where everyone can enjoy the cool of a summer night and think, “Summer has come! Please come and visit us in the Shiroyama area.

Have a good day.
















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10:00-17:00 OPEN




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