


本日は「さつまいもの日」だったようです。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)






















どうやら、さつまいものことを「栗(九里)より(四里)うまい十三里(9+4=13)」 と呼ぶことから10月13日を「さつまいもの日」 と制定したようでが、偶然にもそろそろサツマイモがスーパーなどに出回る時期でもありますね。








Hello, this is Staff Y.


The other day at my favorite hair salon, I was talking with the lady in charge of my hair and for some reason she said, “I’ve been addicted to sweet potatoes lately. She is a very nice person and she loves to eat sweet potatoes. She told me that she recently shifted her children’s snacks to sweet potatoes because she thought it would be a good idea for them to continue eating snacks. It would be nice to have a wider variety of sweet potato snacks, wouldn’t it? We were having a typical conversation about whether we were “sticky” or “sweet and juicy,” but we unanimously agreed that the new varieties of sweet potatoes were amazing, and we were wondering whether we should be more interested in the new varieties. As I mentioned earlier, I have been talking about the various kinds of food.


As I mentioned earlier, I am always on the lookout for new varieties of food, so I was a little bit excited to hear about it and asked her to tell me about a variety she recommended. (I forgot the name of it…). Since then, I have been interested in new varieties of sweet potatoes.


As you know, the sweet potato came to Japan from China around 1600, and was introduced from Ryukyu to Satsuma.


In the Edo period (1603-1867), it was the original superfood that was valued as a crop to ward off famine, but recently its popularity has been increasing both in Japan and abroad, and its price has been rising. It is no wonder, then, that from the 1,600 varieties of seed potatoes that have been created through a long history of breeding, “elite” varieties have been born one after another, with sweet, sticky taste and other qualities. The evolution of the sweet potato continues to progress, supported by the improvement of storage technology (which is quite important to make the best use of the variety’s attractiveness).


So the other day I was wandering around the supermarket looking for a new variety, and there it was: “Halloween Sweet. Halloween Sweet” lol. This year, I’m going to give it a try.


It looks just like an ordinary sweet potato, but the inside is bright orange, just like the name “Halloween” suggests. It is not as sticky as Anno sweet potato, but it is very sweet and tasty.


It would be good to make it into a regular baked sweet potato, but since it is a Halloween sweet potato, I thought it would be good to make it into a sweet potato to enjoy its appearance…….. I was searching for a variety of sweet potatoes, and to my surprise, today, I found a “Sweet Potato Day”.

It just so happens to be “Sweet Potato Day”. I wonder how far my foodie (gourmand) sensor is working.


Apparently, October 13th was established as “Sweet Potato Day” because sweet potatoes are called “13 ri (9 + 4 = 13), which is better than chestnuts (9 ri),” and coincidentally, it is also the time when sweet potatoes appear in supermarkets.


In the past, sweet potatoes were a food that brought back indescribably bitter memories for my mother’s generation, who lived through famine in the Edo period and wartime, but what about today? With the improvement of varieties and the arrangement of various sweets, it has become a synonym for happy autumn food, and I wonder if there is any food whose image has changed so much…. I am sure Mr. Konyo Aoki would be surprised.


So, our Halloween sweet will be tasted tomorrow. I’ll let you know how I feel about it later.


Have a good day.











骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN





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