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Hello everyone, this is Staff T.


It is a sunny day in Nagoya today, although there are some light clouds. I pulled out my parasol, though I thought it would be a hassle to carry more baggage. I am afraid that hot days are finally coming again.

However, the rainy season is coming before the summer, which is expected to be extremely hot, so there is no way to miss this time of year for cleaning up.

By the way, a while ago, a commentary on the Kokin Waka Shu (Anthology of Ancient and Modern Japanese Poetry) in Fujiwara Teika’s own hand was discovered and became a topic of conversation.

For the first time, the original manuscript of “Kenchu Migikan,” a commentary on the Kokin Waka Shu written by Fujiwara no Teika, a poet from the late Heian to Kamakura periods, has been found.

It was found in a box of “Kokin Denju,” which had been handed down from generation to generation in the Reizei family, the descendants of Teika. The box was kept quietly in a storehouse and was not opened for about 130 years in the Reizei family’s secret box. The discovery was such a surprise that the expert who investigated it said, “I thought we had run out of national treasures and important cultural properties.



The Reizei family is said to be called the “Shosoin of Documents” because of the large number of valuable books and documents that remain in the house. The “Kokin Denju” is said to have been opened only once in the lifetime of each successive head of the family to train in the study of waka poetry, and the last record of its opening was in 1896. The reason why it was not opened for about 130 years is unknown. For this research, they held a Shinto ritual to ask for forgiveness to the gods of waka poetry and their ancestors.


Fujiwara no Teika is known as the selector of the Shinkokin Wakashu, but what is the difference between the Kokin Wakashu and the Shinkokin Wakashu, like me? Did anyone else wonder, like me, what the difference is between the Kokin Wakashu and the Shin Kokin Wakashu?

I had no idea, even though I remembered what I learned in junior high and high school, so I looked it up. The first famous waka anthologies are the Manyoshu, Kokin Wakashu, and Shin Kokin Wakashu.

That’s right… I started to remember.



First of all, “Manyoshu” is the oldest extant collection of waka poetry in Japan, and although the author is not known for certain, Otomo no Iemochi is believed to have been involved with it. It contains approximately 4,500 poems, not only by emperors and aristocrats, but also by ordinary people.

As you may know, the Japanese era name “2025” is derived from one of the poems in the Manyoshu.



The Kokin Wakashu is Japan’s first imperial collection of waka poems dating back to the early Heian period. The imperial anthology refers to a collection of waka poems compiled by order of an emperor or superior. The collection was compiled by Kino Tsurayuki and others at the order of Emperor Daigo. About 1,100 poems were collected, about 40% of which are unknown to the poet, and more than 20% of the poems are by the selectors. Many of the poems are delicate and graceful, and are said to be feminine.


Finally, the “Shinkokin Wakashu” is an imperial collection of waka poems compiled in the Kamakura period by order of the Emperor Go-Toba. It was compiled by six selectors, including Fujiwara no Sadaie, and contains approximately 2,000 waka poems that were not selected for inclusion in the Manyoshu or previous imperial anthologies.


The “Kenshu Mikikan” found in this collection is said to be a commentary on the Kokin Waka Shu by the poet Kensho, to which Fujiwara no Teika added his own theory. Since only manuscripts had been available until now, the interpretation was ambiguous as to whether it belonged to Kensho or Teika, but now the distinction seems to be clearer, as a paper has been added to refute Kensho. It seems to provide a clue to the thinking of Fujiwara no Teika.

Even if you don’t find the find of the century, you may still find many antiques in your family’s warehouse or storehouse. It is also possible that many of the artifacts you find when sorting through your belongings may turn out to be of great value. It is difficult to start all at once, so why not start by ventilating the untouched places? You might find something.


See you soon.
















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