そもそも印籠って(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
印籠なんて生まれて初めて手にしましたので、面白がって水戸黄門のワンシーンのように「ええぃ頭が高い、 この紋どころが目に入らぬか。」などと懐から取り出し、印籠を突きつけるの決め台詞の茶番をやってみたりして、ちょっと楽しんでおりました。(大人げない笑)
Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.
Since the other day, Inro has been appearing on our blog and SNS from time to time.
I was so amused that I pulled it out of my pocket and thrust it at him like a scene from “Mito Komon” (a popular Japanese comic strip show). I would pull it out of my pocket and thrust the Inro at him. I was having a bit of fun. (not very mature lol).
Inro was originally used to carry valuables around the waist, but it is said that it was mainly used to store medicines and was also called “Yakuro” (medicine basket). A string was threaded through the holes in the lid and body (often three or five-layered), and a netsuke was attached to the end of the string to prevent it from slipping.
The materials used for the Inro varied, including lacquered lacquer, ceramics, and metal, but most of them were decorated with gorgeous makie (gold-relief lacquer) and netsuke, and we can infer from the designs that they must have been a fashionable item at that time.
Now that we know what an Inro is, I guess the important thing in the scene of Mito Komon was the Aoi no Gomon, but if the scene where the Inro is pointed at is a myth, why did it become an Inro…? I am beginning to wonder why it became an “inro” if the scene in which he puts an inro to the man is a fiction…?
Before that, family crests were first created in the Heian period (794-1192). It was during the Warring States period, when it was necessary to distinguish friend from foe, that the culture of family crests developed greatly, and they were used to mark flags, armor, helmets, bows, swords, etc. in battle. Therefore, a family crest was, so to speak, an identification card of the family at that time, and a “hollyhock crest” must have been like a business card with a title of an official.
If so, anything with a “hollyhock crest” on it would have been fine. However, since the “Aoi no Gomon” is on the Inro, which was a very important item to be carried in those days, there is no more convincing identification card, is there?
And above all, the scene in which Tadasu-san (probably) holds out the Inro with Aoi no Gomon on it, I can’t use any other Inro items to make a good impression now…. I would like to ask you all to take a look at it again, imagining what it would be like if the Inro pose in that famous scene in Mito Komon had been made with another item.
Have a good day.
骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】
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