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冬と言えば乾燥ですが、ここ最近、爪が割れてしまい困っています。気付かないうちにと爪が欠けたりすることもしばしば。 最近続けて爪の根元の方まで深く割れてしまい、どうケアしたものかと困っておりまして。



















Hello everyone, this is Staff T.


Today is a cold day as forecasted. The leaves on the street trees have all fallen and the scenery has turned to that of winter. It has suddenly become very cold, so please be careful as it is easy to get sick.


Speaking of winter, it is dryness, but recently I have been having trouble with cracked nails. Often, my nails chip without my noticing. Recently, I have been having trouble taking care of my nails because they have been cracking deep down to the base of the nail.

Come to think of it, my nails seem to be getting harder lately…. I also feel that they are growing slowly. Is it because of my age? I was curious, so I did some research.


Nails are organs attached to the skin of the hands and toes, as we all know. Not only are they attached, but they also protect the tips of the hands and feet. In fact, the bones of the fingers are only halfway up the nail. It is said that fingernails grow to support the parts of the body that do not have bones. The nails allow us to make fine movements with our fingertips, and the toenails are also responsible for stabilizing the body. So nails are not just for the enjoyment of nails, but are an indispensable organ for the function of the limbs.

Nails grow at different rates depending on age and constitution, but a healthy adult grows about 0.1 mm per day. It is said that it takes 3 to 4 months for all of them to be renewed. It is said that nails grow faster in people with active metabolism, and nails grow more easily in summer, when metabolism is higher, than in winter.

I thought that the composition of nails was calcium, but it is not.
The white color and hardness of nails give the impression that they are made of calcium, but in fact, they are made of protein. Among proteins, nails are composed of a component called keratin.


As the saying goes, “Nails are a barometer of health. Among other things, the “decline in female hormones” seems to affect nails.

Nails are supple and elastic because they contain an appropriate amount of moisture. The skin under the nail, called the nail bed, supplies this moisture. The thicker the nail, the easier it is to maintain the moisture content.

The female hormone estrogen is important here because it is deeply involved not only in reproductive functions but also in overall health, including skin, bones, and blood vessels. As estrogen, which is essential for the skin to retain moisture and keratin, declines with age, the amount of moisture in the skin decreases. And nails also become thinner, allowing moisture to evaporate easily. This causes the nails to become dry and hard, leading to splitting and chipping.

In my daily household work, I do a lot of water work, which makes my hands rough and dry, but I never really had the concept of dry nails. They are hard and do not feel cracked or chapped. However, just like hands, nails also dry out. This makes them brittle and prone to chipping and cracking. Of course, aging is one of the causes.

So, I would like to start by moisturizing them frequently on a daily basis.

The key is to apply cream not only to the tips of the nails but also to the base of the nails. It seems to me that it is important that the area remain moisturized and healthy when it grows and comes up to the tip of the nail. It seems to me that the root area should be especially emphasized in the application.

I don’t usually get my nails done, but I will try my best at “nail growing.

See you soon.












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