大寒たまご食べてみました🥚。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
I’m a little happy about something.
The other day, I was able to eat a big cold egg! You may laugh at me and wonder how much I am influenced by good luck charms, but there was no need to reject them, so I took the plunge and bought some.
As some of you may know, there is a store in Tokoname that specializes in eggs. It is run by an egg farmer, and it is a bit of an egg-related wonderland, selling not only eggs but also meals, sweets, and other items. It seems to be a must-see for egg lovers. Since I was not able to visit on the day of the big cold, I did not have high expectations, but the eggs were still on sale, and I was happy to buy one right away.
I was so happy that I bought them and went to a restaurant to have a bowl of rice topped with an egg of Nagoya Cochin.
As a reminder, the egg laid on the coldest day of the year is known as a good luck charm, but it is also popular as a gift because it is believed to bring good fortune in terms of feng shui. (Indeed, there were people who purchased a large quantity of eggs as gifts…) Because the eggs are laid in the cold, they have high nutritional value and concentrated flavor, and the yolk is characterized by its bright yellow color. It is said that eating eggs during cold weather brings good luck for money, and is suitable for egg rice, but it is also possible to eat steamed eggs.
It is also said that the day of “Daichan” is the coldest day of the year, and martial arts practices are often held on this day. Water during this period is said to be good for the body, and is also favored for making miso, soy sauce, and sake as “cold water” suitable for long-term preservation. I see.
However, when I follow the 24 seasonal festivals and seasonal festivals in my daily life, I feel that this cold weather is not so bad, as it gives me color and makes me look forward to the next season. At the same time, I am also taking advantage of good-luck charms, but I guess that’s all right…
Well, I guess that’s all right then… Have a good day.
骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】
10:00-18:00 OPEN