


色々と秘密の多い三毛猫でした(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)

































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

Last night I was awakened several times by heavy rain and thunderstorms. I couldn’t believe that everyone in my family except me seemed to be sound asleep.

So, I went to work feeling a little sleepy and found “Kutani Yaki Sleeping Cat” peacefully sleeping as usual. I am troubled by the fact that it seems to be luring me to sleep as well.


In fact, today, September 29, is “Manekineko Day,” which means “beckoning cat day” in Japanese because of the Japanese word “9” (come) and “29” (good fortune). The beckoning cat was originally modeled after the “tortoiseshell cat” that is often seen in Japan.

I am sure cat lovers will scold me for this, but until now I thought there was a breed of cat called “tortoiseshell cat”. In fact, the term “tortoiseshell cat” refers to cats with three distinct coat colors: white, black, and brown (almost orange). It is generally considered to be a cat unique to Japan, and is more often seen in mongrel cats than in pedigree cats.

They have long been considered lucky cats. White means purification, black means protection from bad luck, brown means prosperity, and the number “three” is also considered auspicious because it is crossed with “fullness,” meaning that your wishes will be fulfilled. In the old days, it was customary for merchants to keep tortoiseshell cats in the hope that their business would prosper.


Tortoiseshell cats have been prized not only for their good luck, but also for their rarity. Tortoiseshell cats are not necessarily born with tortoiseshell parents, and most are born as females.

Usually, cats have one or two hair colors, even if there are shades of color, and to understand how a black, white, and brown cat is born, it is necessary to understand the relationship between chromosomes. The chromosomes that determine the sex of both humans and animals are XY for males and XX for females. Cats originally have a gene that makes them white, and the gene that determines black and brown fur colors other than white is found only on chromosome X. Therefore, females with two X chromosomes are likely to have black and brown fur in addition to white, while males with only one X chromosome are more likely to have two colors.

However, in rare cases, a genetic mutation can produce a male with an XXY chromosome, but the probability is said to be as low as 1/30,000, which is quite rare. Because of its rarity, a male tortoiseshell cat became a symbol of good luck, and in the Edo period (1603-1867), many ships were believed to have kept a male tortoiseshell cat on board to guarantee their safety when they sailed. In fact, a tortoiseshell cat named Takeshi was on board the Antarctic research vessel Soya and was adored by the crew.


Another famous example is “Tama Ekicho,” the tortoiseshell cat stationmaster of Wakayama Electric Railway’s Kishigawa Line, who became popular for his adorable personality. He attracted tourists to the Kishigawa Line, which was in danger of being shut down due to a decline in the number of passengers, and saved the station, which was on the verge of closure. It is a true “beckoning cat.

Personally, this “Tama Ekicho” is my image of a tortoiseshell cat, but there seem to be various patterns depending on the color scheme of the three colors. The “Shima-Shimei,” which is mostly white with black and brown stripes, is quiet and gentle. The “Tobiti-Triplet,” which has a white base with black and brown flying in some places, is sensitive to sounds and smells. There are other categories such as the “Kiji Tortoiseshell,” which has little contrast and no distinct pattern, and the “Pastel Tortoiseshell,” which has soft colors and light tones.


The origin of today’s domestic cats is said to be the Egyptian Aedes aegypti. They were kept by farmers and others as a means of exterminating rats and other vermin. Through repeated mutations and crossbreeding, cats of various coat colors and patterns were born. In Japan, there has long been a unique breed of cat called the Japanese Bobtail, which is characterized by short hair and a round tail.

The tortoiseshell cat is very popular overseas, and is called by fashionable names such as “calico” in English and “tricolor” in France. In North America and Europe, the Japanese Bobtail, which is native to Japan, is called “MIKE” and is well-loved.


I have never owned a cat, so I don’t know, but I hear that tortoiseshell cats are often hybrids, so they are relatively hardy and have an intelligent and whimsical personality that is full of cat-like qualities. They are also called “cats among cats” because of their pride, their own pace, their cool side, and their sweet nature.


Is the cat that the owner often encounters here in Kakuozan also a tortoiseshell cat? It seems to be very wary of her.

Please let me know if you know.


See you next time.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




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